Rules and general information

These rules are an integral part of the contractual relationship between the Organizer and the competitor and it is the duty of each competitor to familiarize himself with them in advance, before registration.

  1. Only a competitor who has duly registered in advance may enter the race. Proper registration means completing the registration form and paying the entry fee on time. When registering, the competitor is obliged to provide only true and complete information. Registration is done via the website This website also provides information on the closing date for online registration and payment of the entry fee. Registration is also possible at the race venue for an increased entry fee (see website).
  2. The competitor participating in the race has read and agrees to the document "REVERZ - Declaration of Legal Liability for Personal Injury and Property Damage".
  3. The competitor is obliged to read all information, regulations and recommendations provided by the event organizer, including email communication!
  4. A competitor under 15 years of age may participate in the race only with the consent of a legal guardian. The legal representative of this competitor agrees to the "REVERSE - Declaration of Legal Liability for Personal Injury and Property Damage". In the case of on-site registration, the legal guardian must sign this document on-site at registration. For competitors up to 15 years of age, this document is required in paper form even in the case of online registration (to be handed in when collecting the chip). The document can be downloaded HERE >>. Participation is only allowed for competitors of year 2012 and older.
  5. If for any reason the competitor is unable or unwilling to participate in the race, the Organiser will not be obliged to refund the entry fee to the competitor, who will lose the right to a refund and the entry fee will be forfeited to the Organiser.
  6. The Organizer reserves the right to change the planned schedule of the race or cancel the race without compensation due to circumstances caused by force majeure, natural events and for safety reasons and other serious reasons (e.g. extremely adverse weather conditions - storms, etc.), in the occurrence of which the Organizer is not involved, or if it is determined by an official decree of the authorized bodies of state administration or local government. In such cases, the Organiser will not be obliged to refund the entry fee to the competitor, who will lose the right to the refund and the entry fee will be forfeited to the Organiser. In such cases, the Organiser will not be obliged to compensate the competitors for any damages incurred in connection with this organisational measure.
  7. The competitor must be a swimmer.
  8. The competitor participates in the race at his own risk and confirms this fact by his registration. He is aware of the risk of destruction of his belongings and possible injury during the race. The organiser is not liable for damage to property or other injury arising from participation in or watching the race. The competitor waives the right to claim compensation from the Organiser. These facts are confirmed by the competitor by online registration or by signing at on-site registration. For competitors under 15 years of age, the legal representative is responsible for this declaration. For competitors under 15 years of age, a reverse signed by a legal representative is required. It is to be handed in when picking up the chip before the race.
  9. The organizer shall not be liable to the competitor for any damage to items left by the competitor on the premises of the race venue, including items stored in a vehicle or items left anywhere on the course.
  10. A competitor cannot participate in the race under the influence of alcohol and other narcotic and psychotropic substances, including drugs with the same or similar effects. In such a case, the competitor will not be allowed to participate in the race.
  11. The competitor must be insured against injury to his/her person during the race. The organiser recommends that the competitor takes out insurance against injury or other damage to third parties during the race.
  12. The competitor is obliged to adapt his/her clothing to the race. The organizer recommends the competitor to use sturdy shoes for the purpose of the race, sportswear that can be damaged. The Organizer is not responsible for any damage to shoes, clothing and other accessories.
  13. The organizer prohibits the competitor from using shoes with spikes or inappropriate clothing and accessories (e.g. studs, bracelets, rings, chains, carabiners) that can cause injury to the competitor or third parties. In such a case, the competitor will not be allowed to participate in the event.
  14. The use of magnesium on the hands and other sticky and supportive devices (waxes, chalks, etc.) before and during the race is prohibited. Violation of the rule may lead to disqualification. The use of gloves and other fabrics covering the competitor's hands is allowed.
  15. The organizer recommends the competitor to use protective equipment for the purpose of the race, such as gloves, joint and spine protectors, ankle fixation, etc.
  16. The competitor is obliged to follow strictly the instructions of the Organizer and other persons authorized by him. The competitor is obliged to familiarize himself with all information, regulations and recommendations of the Organizer and persons authorized by him. If the competitor fails to obey the instructions of the judges, organizers or volunteers/obstacle attendants, he/she is liable to disqualification. The volunteer has the right to reprimand the competitor for breaking the rules and subsequently disqualify the competitor for any further breach of the rules.
  17. The organiser has the right to exclude or disqualify a competitor whose behaviour could endanger the safe conduct of the race or the safety of other competitors or spectators.
  18. The organiser has the right to exclude or disqualify a competitor whose behaviour contravenes the general rules of fair play, disregards the instructions of the organiser, judges, volunteers/obstacle staff or offends them in any way.
  19. The start is interval, 5 competitors start every 60 seconds. Each competitor has a pre-assigned start time, which they will learn the week before the race. The start time is approximate and may change for organizational reasons. It is recommended to be at the start well in advance. Only the chief referee or his/her delegate can change the start time.
  20. A competitor may not run on the course without an assigned start number and chip. If the bib is lost, the competitor's exact time will not be measured. At the same time, a number will be painted on each competitor's face or arm with a marker. The competitor is obliged to behave in such a way that the chip is not lost or damaged and to hand it in at a predetermined place after the end of the race. In case of damage or loss of the chip, the competitor is obliged to pay 500,- CZK.
  21. Competitors on the 18 km or 12 km course will be distinguished by a coloured wristband, which must be visibly attached to their wrists at the start and throughout the race.
  22. Competitors on the 6km course who are under 15 years of age will be marked with a coloured wristband which must be visibly attached to their wrist at the start and throughout the race.
  23. If the competitor is forced to end the race early for any reason, he/she must immediately report this fact to the nearest person authorized by the Organizer.
  24. The competitor is obliged to complete the entire length of the race and may not accept outside help from spectators. External help from spectators means: any intervention in overcoming obstacles, support and assistance during the run. A competitor may not accept food or drink from outside help except at official refreshment stations. Violation of this rule may lead to disqualification. CO-OPERATION BETWEEN RACERS IN CROSSING THE HURDLES IS ONLY ALLOWED AT CERTAIN HURDLES, which shall be specified by the person in charge of the Organizer (referee, obstacle attendant).
  25. The start and end of the obstacles are marked with a line, bell or by touching the first and last segments - marked with reflective spray. Follow the instructions of the Organizer, volunteers/attendants at each obstacle.
  26. Testing and entering the obstacles before the start of the race is strictly governed by the Organizer's instructions. However, it is always at the competitor's own risk. Legal guardians are responsible for minors.
  27. The obstacle handler/volunteer must not assist the competitor in overcoming the obstacle.
  28. A competitor who has already completed his/her race shall not assist another competitor in climbing an obstacle.
  29. The competitor is obliged to complete all obstacles included in the race and cannot shorten the race route or otherwise violate the rules of the course. Violation of this rule will result in disqualification.
  30. The competitor is responsible for completing the correct route. If the route is shortened, he/she will be disqualified by the race director without discussion.
  31. Obstacles on the course are divided into "REQUIRED" and "HANDICAP OBSTACLES". MANDATORY HANDICKS must be completed at all times. Failure to pass them = disqualification. HANDICAP CHALLENGES are obstacles where, in the event of failure, there is an alternate task/handicap of appropriate length (usually 2-3 times more time consuming than the obstacle) corresponding to the difficulty of the obstacle. Shortening a handicap, skipping a handicap or running outside the marked course leads to disqualification.
  32. The competitor is obliged to follow the faster rule, which means that the slower ones give way to the faster ones on the track and at the obstacles and do not deliberately cross their path. If a competitor deliberately obstructs a faster competitor, he/she will be disqualified. It is the responsibility of the faster racer to call the attention of the racers ahead of him/her.
  33. The competitor is obliged to keep order, to dispose of rubbish only in designated places and to behave respectfully towards his surroundings and nature.
  34. Destroying or otherwise damaging demarcation tape and pins is punishable by disqualification.
  35. The Organiser is entitled to use all photographs, video and audio recordings taken during the race without limitation of the purpose of use and without any right to financial remuneration to the author of the photographs or video and audio recordings.
  36. If a competitor fails to appear at the awards ceremony, he/she voluntarily forfeits the prizes and benefits. In case of his absence, a person authorized by him may accept the prize for him. The organiser has the right to request identification data (ID card) from this person. The organiser reserves the right to adjust the timing of the prize-giving to the current conditions.
  37. The winner's prize can only be collected on the day of the race when the winner is announced. Later collection/mailing etc. is not possible.
  38. Prizes for winners are not legally enforceable.
  39. The organizer reserves the right to adjust the timing of the announcement to current conditions.

DEFINITION OF MUTUAL ASSISTANCE: The term "mutual assistance" means the following situation: each competitor makes every effort to overcome all obstacles under his own power. In the event that it is obvious that he is unable to overcome an obstacle, he may, for certain obstacles (usually barriers), accept help from any other competitor who offers it selflessly. Each obstacle has rules specifying whether mutual assistance is allowed or prohibited.

WHAT IS NOT A GENERAL ASSISTANCE: In the event that a strategy of two or more runners (individuals) deliberately assisting another person over obstacles during the course of a race with the intent of speeding up his/her time on the course, such action will be classified as grounds for disqualification.

CONCEPT OF TAPPING: This means an attempt by a competitor to speed up the course of a race without any effort to overcome an obstacle. In practice, this means that the competitor runs up to the obstacle, touches it and continues on the handicap. Such action may lead to disqualification.

DEFINITION OF MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OVERCOME THE OBSTACLE: Means that the competitor begins to complete the obstacle as instructed by the obstacle operator. E.g., he/she starts to climb, jumps on the obstacle, etc., in other words, he/she makes an attempt to overcome it.